Lakshya International School is a day school offering CBSE for students aged 3 to 11 yrs and 12 to 16 Yrs respectively.
The Academic year at LIS begins in April for all grades (i.e. IKs – International Kindergarten to Grade X). The registrations for new admission open in December every year.
Admission is open to Kindergarten to Grade XI of the local and International Community regardless of race, gender, religion or country of origin. Students from cross boards such as Cambridge, ICSE, CBSE, State Board and other International Boards can apply for admission to Lakshya.
Before applying for their wards to join Lakshya International School, Kakinada, parents and guardians are earnestly requested to consider the following :-
The selection of learners for admission to the School shall be based on an assessment of the following factors (in no particular order)
Whether a complete admission application (being a complete set of all documentation and information requested) has been submitted;
Whether the learner has met the promotion requirements for the Grade immediately below the Grade to which the admission application relates
Whether there are places available at the School given the capacity of the School
Whether the School is able to meet the educational needs of the learner (including but not limited to any special education needs of the learner)
The age of the learner.
Age appropriateness as per the International Baccalaureate and Government of India norms will be the point of reference per Grade before granting admission unless exceptional circumstances require otherwise. The statistical age norm per Grade as on 1st August of the year applied for is as below
The willingness of the learner to participate in and add value to all areas of school life;
Whether admission to the School would be in the best interests of the learner given that all learners are required to participate in the academic, sports and cultural program of the School and given the need to ensure that
- The academic aptitude of the learner is appropriate for entry into the particular Grade to which the admission application relates; and
- The learner will be able to balance the academic demands of the School with all other demands of the School, including the demands associated with a learner’s participation in sports, cultural and service activities.
Any Mid-term admission is subject to satisfactory reference check from the previous school.
Kindergarten:- IK1 -(LKG) and IK2 -(UKG)
- (for IK1) – Parent & Student Interaction along with Assessment of fine motor and Gross Motor Skill development + all other related admission policy statements need to be fulfilled.
- Parent and student interaction along with a short assessment on
- Gross Motor and Fine Motor skills development
- Basics of IK2 curriculum
plus all other related admission policy statements need to be fulfilled.
Grades I-V:-
- Performance in LIS admission Test (Written) – based on previous grade syllabus. (will be provided by LIS)
- Written Assessment for grades 1 – 5 will include the following subjects of English, Maths, EVS and G.K.
- Final Interview with Students and Parent (with Principal).
+ all other related admission policy statements need to be fulfilled.
Grade VI to VIII:-
- Performance in LIS admission Test (Written) – based on previous grade syllabus. (will be provided by LIS)
- Written Assessment for grades 6 – 9 will include the following subjects of English, Maths, Science and G.K.
Final Interview with Students and Parent (with Principal) + all other related admission policy statements need to be fulfilled.