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9 best Do’s and Dont’s for children to stop procrastinating

9 best Do’s and Dont’s for children to stop procrastinating
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9 best Do’s and Dont’s for children to stop procrastinating

Procrastination can be challenging for children, as they face many distractions and may not understand the importance of self-discipline.  To help them stay focused and get things done, we at Lakshya International School, one of the best schools in Kakinada, here are nine of the best do’s and don’ts for children to stop procrastinating.


1. Do encourage positive reinforcement

Tell your child that if they set a goal, complete it, and don’t procrastinate, then you will reward them in some way. This can be anything from giving them praise for doing well to giving them an incentive such as extra TV time or a new toy.

2. Don’t use threats

Children may become more likely to procrastinate if they feel threatened or intimidated.   Instead, focus on helping them understand the consequences of their actions and why following through is important.

3. Do break up tasks into smaller parts

If a task seems too daunting or overwhelming, it can be helpful to break it down into smaller steps that are more manageable. This will make it easier for your child to stay focused and avoid procrastinating.

4. Don’t micromanage

It’s important to provide guidance and support while also allowing your child enough freedom to complete projects on their own terms. Micromanaging can result in children feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, creating an environment conducive to procrastination.

5. Do give them a timeline

Having an established timeline for completing tasks can help keep your child on track and make sure they don’t procrastinate. An end date can help provide focus and accountability, as well as a sense of accomplishment when the goal is reached.

6. Don’t compare them to other children

Comparing your child to other children can be damaging to their self-esteem and lead to feelings of inadequacy or failure that may cause procrastination. Instead, focus on praising them for their efforts rather than comparing them with others. 

7. Do stay organized

Encourage your child to keep their workspace clean and organized so they will be better able to identify tasks and complete them quickly without getting distracted or overwhelmed by clutter. This can also help them to avoid procrastination.

8. Don’t use technology as a distraction

Technology can be a major source of procrastination for kids. To avoid this, monitor their device usage or limit the amount of time they spend online. Also, encourage them to use technology as a tool for productivity rather than entertainment. 

9. Do focus on the process, not the outcome

Teaching your child to focus on the process rather than just the end goal can help them stay motivated and prevent procrastination. Instilling an appreciation for hard work, dedication, and perseverance will have long-term benefits in addition to helping your child overcome procrastination now. 

By implementing these strategies and guiding your child to develop healthier habits, they can learn to become more productive and successful in their academic pursuits. A focus on effort rather than the outcome will also help children appreciate the rewards that come with hard work, and it can have positive outcomes in other areas such as self-confidence, discipline, and problem-solving. 

Knowing that procrastination is a difficult habit among children to break, we at Lakshya international school, the top school in Andhra Pradesh take extra steps to help students develop healthy habits and attitudes towards studying. Our ultimate aim is for your child to be successful academically and beyond, so we are determined to provide them with the support and guidance necessary for them to reach their goals.  

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